What we know:
We know little of significance at this point, but we do know some things. According to multiple news sources, AT&T cellular was down across the country, no texting, no voice, no data. (Cyber Attack)
The FBI and possibly Homeland Security have launched an investigation into the outage, thus we can safely assume it was indeed a cyber attack of some sort. (Link about investigation)
Last weekend, the director of the FBI stated that China is significantly involved in cyber attacks and as of late have increased their attacks.
(FBI Director Statement)
My own family was affected by the hospital issue. We were contacted and an appointment cancelled today for my wife, due to an “unknown IT issue preventing them from retrieving the data and images required from an MRI to do todays appointment.” According to Fox Business news (see first link) the “Pharma” links to hospitals were down, but I can reasonably assume that the data transfer software or protocols were in some way affected. (Having worked in IT and communications, network security, I am making this a ‘guess’ which probably won’t be far off the mark.)
What can we do?
Nothing. You can’t fix it, the Cell phone folks, IT folks, the network security folks are on it, I suppose. What you can do in the future, is stop relying so heavily on electronics as your only means of getting information.
A shortwave receiver, an AM/FM radio, or a ham radio can help you get information, when the Internet isn’t working right. Getting that ham license and joining us on various radio networks can help keep you informed.
Another thing you can do, is refuse to panic. Sometimes, it’s a good thing to turn off your devices, all of them and go read a book. Don’t listen to the hype around you, and don’t think that the world will end if you don’t have your phone. Work out other methods to do things, like taking money out of a bank, or the US Postal Service for “paying bills”.
We all know how convenient it is to use your phone for everything. But, when the system takes a crap…. what will you do?
How bad was it?
So far, we don’t know the total damage, or the problems caused, and likely won’t for a few days. We might not even find out if the issue was mitigated by IT people.
America is a Great Country, and there are forces out there that want to bring us down. Some of them are in our own government, so it appears. The US Border is basically open, and millions of illegals, some of them highly dangerous criminals, cartels and terrorists are known to have gotten in.
Some of us believe this was a test, and the “terror cells” are collecting themselves together, and will come together against our police forces and military in a concerted attempt to destroy any law enforcement or resistance to them, and a Cyber attack will drop our lines of communication to each other, preventing us from warning our friends, neighbors and family.
So - it was bad enough to wake up a lot of people today. Our hams came together and were passing message traffic on several nets today. We will continue to do so and bring news to our fellow Americans as we can.
Steps You Can Take Now
Join or start a neighborhood watch - it doesn’t have to be “official” but that would help, and it puts you on Law Enforcement radar as “concerned and helpful citizens”.
Prepare “bug out bags” for each family member. A 72-hour bag they are called. Enough supplies to get you through a 72 hour period if you need to evacuate.
Prepare a “bug IN plan” - what do to if you are staying home - because not everyone knows what to do. (You can look these terms up and research this information yourself)
Alternative means of communications (other than phones) with family and close friends/neighbors. You want to be able to get information, give information or get help for someone who needs it.
STORE WATER. You need to have water. Some recommend about 15 gallons per person. You need more than that, but make that your minimum for drinking or preparing food. You don’t want to go more than three days without water.
STORE FOOD. Foods that are canned, and easy to store, dry goods like beans, rice and some other materials, and even some frozen foods, that you would use up in a few days during a “Grid-Down” situation. You don’t want to go more than three weeks without food.
STORE MEDICAL SUPPLIES and prescription drugs you need. It is thought that in a true national disaster, such as a grid down situation, most people who rely on medical treatments such as diabetics, and those who have drugs to prevent certain diseases from killing them, will die within a few days.
Don’t discuss your storage of things with anyone except close family members you include in your closest circle. In the military, we called that OpSec, or “Operational Security”. You didn’t discuss your training, your abilities, your plans, your exercises, your deployments, or any information that might give away weaknesses, or give adversaries an advantage over you. Discussing food, water or weapon supplies is dangerous when the time comes and everyone needs food, water and weapons and don’t already have them.
Remove bumper stickers, and anything from your car/truck/vehicle that marks you. Those cool political bumper stickers everyone is fond of using, marks your political stance. A Gadsden Flag marks you as “A Patriot” in most cases - and while we each appreciate knowing who’s who and who has your back, advertising it might become dangerous. The cute little “Family stick figures” also tell you have kids, a dog, there’s a couple or perhaps no man (or woman) involved. It gives information to a potential enemy. The NRA or GOA stickers, let everyone know you’ve got weapons at home…. Hopefully this information is going to help you.
There are many other things you can do to prepare, and I’ve touched on just a few things there. Some think “Preppers” are kooks. But, no, we’re merely older Boy and Girl Scouts. We like to “Be Prepared” for any eventuality, and while no one can prepare effectively for every situation, you can prepare for many things that might befall you.
See previous articles here for other information on preparedness, Amateur Radio, GMRS radio.
Until next time, 73!
No indication of outtage here in Houston